Tuesday 18 December 2007

Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the house!!!

It's been 5 months since i last posted anything, Where has the time gone?!!! Not quite sure what i have done in those months. But i am now back to blogging, just in time for Christmas.

As the days turn ridiculously cold, but no snow appears, we are drawing ever near to Christmas day. The shops are getting busier as people buy the pressies and the food for the festive season. But what is it all about?! We must not forget why we celebrate Christmas. Jesus' birth is one of the best presents ever, the other best being His death and ressurrection!! As all the hype around Christmas builds, the material aspect soon dies away after the dinner is eaten and the presents are open, but Jesus is a gift that will last for eternity!!

Anyway, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Tuesday 17 July 2007

catch up

oooh i forgot all about this blogging lark!!! how silly of me. Hmmm, what can i say?! I've just got back from a lovely 10 days in Crawley visiting Luke which was fab. We went to the place where A.A Milne wrote about Winnie the Pooh, played Pooh sticks on Pooh Bridge. hehe, that was amusing. In 3 weeks time i'm off to Cheltenham Bible fest which will be awesome. Other than that i just got work planned.. ooh and am gonna see Jo and Steve on thursday which will be fab.

Am missing uni people lots... it's annoying that everyone lives in different place, spread out across the country, makes visiting rather difficult. hehe altho does give an excuse to go to these places. hehe

Friday 22 June 2007


It is so easy to trust in God when everything is going well and life is great but when we hit troubled times it is often then we find it difficult to serve God. When we need Him most we can sometimes distant ourselves which is unhelpful as it is in these times that we need God most.

Sorry im babbling again... coming back to Somerset hasn't been overly great. Having very little Christian company makes it very difficult to stay enthusiastic for Jesus - but try i must as He is so important to me, without Him this holidays will be terrible. Im not really sure why im worried that the holidays are going to be rubbish and drag on forever cos i have stuff planned for at least everytwo weeks venturing off places. Hehe, its just weird adjusting back to the quietness at home after being at Uni. I remeber feeling like this when i first started uni, i hated it and wasn't gonna stay - 8 months later i was still there - loving every second of it and not wanting to be anywhere else. life is funny!!!

Anyway i am going to leave the blogging there as i have been babbling too long.

Saturday 16 June 2007

Back home for the summer!!

well, today is my last in Portsmouth and at lunchtime i will be trekking back to the countryside. Somerset is awaiting my return - hehe!! after a week of funness with no work to do, it is sad to leave pompeyland. Although, it will be nice to go home and the summer has generally gone fast so will be back at uni before i know it!!!! Next year will be odd without many people that have made this year so special, but i pray that we will help the new freshers settle in as well as my friends have helped me.

I am so thankful for all God has done for me. His love and grace is amazing. I do feel that there are many things that i have not acknowledged as being from God and for this i am sorry. I pray that i wont take anything for granted and will praise God foreverything.

Anyway i need to pack.......

Saturday 9 June 2007


I just realised i haven't blogged for a while so here goes.....
Its funny how when there is work to be done, essays to do, exams to revise for more time is found to do stuff like blogging and messing around on facebook!!! aah the joys time wasting.

Anyway, its the end of term, the end of my first year at Portsmouth Uni and many people will soon be fleeing home. I try not to think about all the people that are leaving this year as it makes me sad ;(

Its been a fun last week of term, lots of bday parties and lots of random fun. I have been very blessed with the friends i have made this year - you are all awesome.

Hmmm, i am now just babbling to waste space so i shall endeth here - off to see casting crowns tomorrow - woop!!!!

Saturday 26 May 2007

Pure Forgiveness!!

Yesterday we finished the pure course which has been really good. Yesterdays topic was the of pure forgiveness. It is really reasurring to think that when Jesus died on the cross for us, every sin of ours went with him. Jesus - the ultimate sacrifice so we could be made right before God. Kath read us a verse from the song 'Before the Throne of God Above' all the verses of this song are a great reminder of Gods amazing love for us and how we can come to Him despite all the times we go against Him. So here are the lyrics:-

Before the throne of God above,
I have a strong, a perfect plea,
A great High Priest whose name is "Love,"
Who ever lives and pleads for me.
My name is graven on His hands,
My name is writen on His heart;
I know that while in heav'n He stands
no tongue can bid me thence depart.
No tongue can bid me thence depart.
When Satan tempts me to despair,
and tells me of the guilt within,
upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end to all my sin.
Because the sinless Savior died,
my sinful soul is counted free;
For God, the Just, is satisfied
to look on him and pardon me.
to look on him and pardon me.
Behold him there! the risen Lamb,
my perfect, spotless Righteousness,
the great unchangeable I AM,
the King of glory and of grace!
One with Himself I cannot die,
My soul is purchased by His blood;
My life is hid with Christ on high,
with Christ, my Savior and my God
with Christ, my Savior and my God.

I do love this song. I also really ought to be revising so i shall leave the blogging there for the time being!!!

Sunday 20 May 2007

Aah, Sundays, how i love them!!!

Sundays are my favourite day of the week, the Lords day, a day of rest. The only downfall to sunday is that it is swiftly followed by Monday.

However, in this modern era it is very easy to have lots to do on sunday, whether it is study, a job or just general chores, there is always something that needs doing.

I spent much of today stressing about the lack of revision i have done in preperation for this weeks exams, this made it difficult for me to appreciate my day. I was also going to miss evening church to do some more work. I am so pleased i didn't!!!! Although revision is important and needs doing, i feel church was the better option. I was filled with a real sense of peace. Tomorrow may be a different story as the pressure of revision mounts.

I pray that all you guys that have a mountain of work to do and are under much pressure that God will fill you with a sense of peace, that he will help you and be with you.

God is awesome!!!

God Bless

Wednesday 16 May 2007

How Great is our God!!!!

God is awesome!!!

As the ever dreaded exams draw closer and my motivation to do anything that is remotly considered work disintergrates, it is good to pray to God. Actually it is aways good to pray to God, especially though in times when it is so easy to concentrate on other stuff and neglect God - we all do it, after all we are only human!!

He will help us, which i find very comforting, although i do realise i need to put in some effort too. Philippians 4:13 tells us, 'i can do everything through him who gives me strength' - woop woop!!! God strengthens us - yey!!

God loves us, which in itself is amazing, and wants us to fully rely on him. The very middle verse of the Bible - Psalm 118:8, 'It is better to take refuge in the LORD than trust in man'. Lift everything up to God, who cares so much about us!!! yey God Rocks

Monday 14 May 2007

1st post and the importance of friends!!

well, there we go, that was easy. i now have a blog!!

As my first year of uni draws to end in a few weeks time it has reminded me of the importance of friends. God has blessed me so much this year with the friends He has provided me and i am very thankful. It is sad to think about how many of my friends will be leaving uni this year but i pray God will guide them in everything they do and they will be happy wherever they may be.

So guys, i hope you are all happy in what you do and remeber to 'live for Jesus and speak for Jesus' hehe thought i'd get that quote in!!! don't forget to stay in touch when you all go your seperate ways!!!!!

I shall leave it there for now!!!!!!!!